Monday, August 19, 2019

1830s gown is finished!

My 1830s gown is finished! Sewing on all those hooks and eyes was a pain. I ended up leaving the skirt and bodice separate. I used two hooks and bars on the "belt" of the bodice and regular hooks and eyes for the rest.

After that it was time to make a bonnet and pelerine. I used the Black Snail 1830s bonnet and pelerine pattern. Hats are so much fun to make, and this one was done entirely by hand (with the help of spray glue - amazing stuff). It starts out with a buckram frame with wire sewn to it, then is covered in flannel. Here's the crown of the hate, then the frame covered in flannel.

Then the hat is covered in fashion fabric. I used the leftover cotton sateen from my stays, and glued all the fashion fabric instead of basting it. 

Appa got neutered the day before, but he was still up for helping me cut out material. Note the slightly glassy-eyed look though.

This is the first hat I've done that uses bias binding to finish the edges, and I really love the way it looks.

Appa was also REALLY interested in helping me sew the lining into the hat!

Finding matching ribbon for the plaid was difficult. Red was too red, orange was too orange. I ended up with this soft pink and am happy with it.

The pelerine was super simple - sew collar, sew edges together, turn, and add a hook and eye. I used some lovely cotton eyelet I got on eBay. I hope it won't be too tight in the neck when I'm wearing it. I did measure my neck and used the recommended pattern size. It seems a shame to cover up the gown's beautiful neckline with this, but for day wear it's required.

Now all I have left to do is finish up my hair pieces, and it's ready to be tried on and photographed!

The giant R2-D2 post

I've been bad about updating on my latest project - a Victorian R2-D2 gown! I have a whole group for Costume College who also want to cr...